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ScubaPro Depth Gauge 60 Meter - Metric with Thermometer Scuba Diving Analog 1425

ScubaPro Depth Gauge 60 Meter - Metric with Thermometer Scuba Diving Analog 1425

Regular price $75.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $75.95 USD
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Scubapro Depth Gauge

60 Meter Metric

Integrated Metric Thermometer

Console Not Included

Scubapro Wrist Mouth Depth Gauge, Metric:

                Primary or Back-Up Instrument for Recreational or More-Experienced Divers

                Luminous Dials for Easy-Reading In-Night or Low Light Conditions

                Oil Filled Depth Gauge

                Readout from 0 to 60 Meters

                Maximum Depth Indicator (MDI)

                MDI: Helps in Planning and Logging Repetitive Dives

                Numerical Readings

                40 -60 Meter: Color Coded Red to Indicate Depths Beyond Normal Sport Diving Limits

                Temperature Gauge w/Needles Tip Colored Bright Yellow for Easy Reading

                Thermometer Readout: -10 to 60 C

                Bourdon Tube Design Provides Precise Readings At-All-Depths

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